1) Don't ask me why, but I've been seriously craving a pair of stonewashed/acid-washed skinny jeans. I've just seen them on a few gals who have paired them with heels up to the sky and a rockin' t-shirt, and I was coveting them like no one's business. When I first started looking for these, there were a few common themes:
- Most pairs ranged from $45-$100+! This kind of shocked me! I really thought these weren't as popular, but I suppose I was wrong.
- Most pairs had a zipper that was only about an inch long...that's how low-rise they were. For a gal with a waist that is actually not the same size as her hips (gasp!), this didn't quite work for me. When crouching down, you could see a good 1-2" of my *ahem* crack. NOT chic.
I looked into how to make my own pair, but being fairly DIY-disfunctional, I decided that buying a pair would be a far smarter route. Well, after searching all over creation (and I really mean that - we're talking 3 malls, several thrift stores, and Marshalls/TJ Maxx etc. up the wazoo!), I finally found a pair...and for less than $20!!! Ross - how I love thee. The pair I got is very similar to these from American Apparel:

...only their jeans are $69. Mine were $17.99. ;) I get a high better than that of drugs when I can find a steal like that.
2) I've also been coveting the famous black lame' leggings from American Apparel for ages, as I mentioned in my last post. However, just like the jeans, I wasn't willing to pay the $42 (!!!!) price tag. After all, they're just leggings. Lo and behold, I walked into Wet Seal this past weekend, glanced around casually...and found the same.exact.leggings. Oh, except for one difference: These were only $17. ;) BOO-YAH! I'm hoping to post a picture of them soon when I can rock them out.
3) Last, but not least.
Weeks ago, so long ago that I'd forgotten about it, I entered a contest on the fabulous blog FashionIsPoison.com...AND I WON A PAIR OF FREE JIMMY CHOOS!$#!#$!%! From what I can tell, these run somewhere in the realm of $400+ brand-new!$#@ I can't believe it, and I'm so excited I can't stand it! Yes, I'm a cheap girl, but for the most part, that's because I simply can't afford to own 99% of designer labels. This will be my first "high"-designer anything, and I'm so grateful.
Did you all go shopping over the Labor Day weekend? Find any good deals yourself?
So yes. Good weekend. ;D Now I have to figure out what to wear to the Best of Baltimore party in a few weeks.
AA leggings knock-off at Body Central for $14.50! Woo go me!
BOO-YAH! I think they're appearing everywhere, and that makes me happy. While I love AA, I do not love their prices.
Great find on those leggings! I really like the jeans, too :D
Thank you, miss!! I never, ever thought I'd buy a pair of jeans like that, but they were calling my name. ;D
omg u won a freepair of jimmy shoes?
so jealous
:D I'm going to have to post an update soon, because the shoes are HERE!! So pretty!
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