I was so happy when I found this, though. It’s a motorcycle jacket, complete with buckles and zippers, made out of a soft, sturdy cotton. Who’d a’thunk it? Paired with some army green pants rolled up to show off my gladiators, I felt like somewhat of a badass in this. Don’t ask me why. My brain is odd like that at times. (Okay, at most times.)

Oh! I finally got to wear out my Aldo Koudougou heels this weekend to my best friend's bachelorette party. We roamed the streets of Philadelphia for miles bar hopping. Philly is a pretty old town, so many of the streets are still cobblestone. After miles of cobblestone walking, I could have danced a jig in my shoes. They were RIDICULOUSLY comfortable. I was so happy I almost cried. Seriously. ;) I'm wearing them again tomorrow night to a BIG party my work throws each year. I'll make sure to snap a ton of pictures.
I wish mine would hurry up and grow so I could cut it like yours!
And those shoes are just so hot, there are no words. Your makeup looks great from what I can see, too! I love green on redheads.
Woman you are HOT! The whole look is great! I like the new hair too, very pretty. The make-up looks quite pretty too!
Gabby: You crack me up! I guess the grass is always greener because every.single.time you post, I want to chop all of mine off into a pixie cut again. ;D And thank you! I'm still loving these shoes. I have better makeup pictures. I just need to get off my lazy butt and post them.
Corinne: LOL Thank you, babe! :D I really liked my makeup today...I need to post pictures. hehe
damn! that jacket is HOT!!! nice work teaming it with the rolled up trousers and the gladiators.
You look very badass! ;)
liv/e in both senses: Thank you! I don't know why I would feel badass in a bunch of makeup and stiletto heels, but dammit, I did. ;)
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