Word it however you like. At the end of the day, though, I know that I'm pretty damn cheap. I LOVE a good sale. I take great joy in pointing to a pair of pants I'm wearing, right after someone has complimented them and exclaiming, "Thanks! They were TWO DOLLARS!!!" I've only made a handful of big-ish purchases with clothing in my life (my Betsey purse and necklace, the Bakers shoes, the Aldo shoes..) and each one has had me breathing heavily at the cash register as I hand over my money. I don't.like.spending.money.
Now, the only times I will let myself buy something "big" is when I can't get it off my mind, no matter how hard I try. This is the case with the black lame' leggings from American Apparel.
At $42, they're MUCH higher priced than your average $5-$20 leggings that you'll find. Yes, they're good quality, but at the end of the day, they're leggings....right?
So why does my heart beat faster whenever I see them on someone and why am I always planning imaginary outfits in my head around them??
Now the decision must be made. Do I keep just wanting them....or do I use my 15% off coupon that I have for AA, suck it up, and stop making them an imaginary part of my wardrobe??
Here they are on other beauties:

Ouijesuis from Chictopia

Lindarrr from Chictopia

Rumi of FashionToast.com
So?? Opinions??
I've decided that I will be posting comments over on this blog of yours periodically (and not just LJ) because you and I often have the same taste in clothes!
And with that, I say GET THE LEGGINGS. I'm the same way - every time I see them, I start thinking of what I could wear with them....but then start thinking of the price. Just get'em already! You can have sooooo much fun with those!
In case you haven't figured it out, it's Corinne, lol.
I am so with you on the cheap thing, haha. I have these "limits" I put in my head about how much things should cost, and try not to go over those.
Anyways, those leggings are hot. If I thought I could pull them off, I would totally buy them. And you are going to look FANTASTIC in them. I usually don't like leggings, but I think the fact that these are a thicker material and are sort of reminiscent of pants makes them really cool.
In short, buy them! At the end of the day you won't remember that you spent almost 50 dollars on them, you'll just be excited to show them off!
Have you tried H&M? I actually got a pair there for $20. They are usually by the sock section. I own the AA ones but prefer the H&M ones...the quality seems to be better in my opinion. The AA ones scratch easily and starts wearing out after a few wears.
With that said...I wanted to let you know that you are the lucky winner of FashionIsPoison.com's summer shoe contest! I wanted to email you but your address is not on your blog. Please email me at FashionIsPoison@gmail.com for more details. I really hope you like what you won!
linda, congrats on winning fashionis poison/s contest! she has great taste ad the shoes look amazing!
check my blog out sometime. :)
Corinne: Yay! I love you posting comments. hehe And you already know what happened with the leggings. ;) I'm going to make a post about that later.
Gabby: Good to know I'm not the only cheapo! ;) I love knowing I got a good deal. I'm usually not a leggings gal either, but these just CALLED to me!!
Lucrecia: I've already thanked you a million times, so I'll just smile broadly at you. ;D
Chauss: Thank you so much! I'm so ridiculously excited! Your blog is awesome, too! I'll link you later on today. :D
I have them in matte and regular lame. I unfortunately bought them at the beginning of the Summer so haven't gotten a lot of wear out of them yet, but plan to wear them a lot this Fall/Winter.
I definetly think you should go for it. Although, F21 came out with some... I think they were technically 12 by 12, but yeah, there are cheaper options!
Get them!! You'll love working them into your wardrobe. And you'll be one of those "other beauties" that people look at when they're trying to decide whether or not to buy them :) x
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