Monday, June 2, 2008

One Look Could Kill: Sex and the City viewing

I went with all of my girlfriends to see Sex and the City this weekend....for the second time. The first time I went, I swore that I was going to dress up, at least a little bit. Horrible traffic and a poor mood prevented me from doing that, so I was hellbent on doing it this time.

It was at least good to see that I was not alone in my quest to look Carrie/Miranda/Charlotte/Samantha-worthy for this movie. ;)

Dress: Forever 21, Shoes: Bakers


Sara M. said...

I totally dressed up too! and my girlfriends and I drank canned champagne in the theater even went and had martinis afterwards. I'm not ashamed! it's an event!

Sara M. said...

oh great shoes by the way.

Linda B said...

Damn right it's an event! haha It was funny because I actually felt underdressed, and I was in a place where you squirt butter from a machine onto popcorn and your feet are sticking to the ground. ;D

And thank you!