With that being said, here's what's currently on my list.

Ever since my friend, Sara (from Waitin' Round to be a Millionaire) introduced me to Blood is the New Black, I have lusted, drooled & even pet the screen looking at the t-shirts they carry. The designs are SO damn unique and badass. Their prices, while not unreasonable, are just out of reach of what I can afford to spend right now, so I hope these beauties will wait for me someday.
1) Owl Jacket Women's Crew ($44): Like they say on the store page, this shirt seriously makes me want to find a mini leather jacket for my cat. She'd hate me for life, but it would almost be worth it.
2) No War for Heavy Metal: Faded Black ($10): Obviously, $10 is NOTHING for a shirt, but they only have size XL left. I'm keeping an eye on this one to see if it comes back in stock in my size. If it doesn't, I might snag this & slice it up to fit me.
3) Wood Holly Women's Crew ($44): YOU GUYS. I CAN'T EVEN. This is the mother of all shirts. This one WILL be in my closet someday. It's too fucking amazing NOT to be.
Not Really Reachable

Yes, I understand that to be a fashion blogger, you have to like ugly shoes. Well, guilty as charged. Ever since I saw a picture a long time ago of the Olsen twins rocking those Balenciaga boots, I've been determined to have them. Obviously, that's not in my price range. BUT! These Sam Edelman "Zoe" boots aren't completely out of the realm of possibility someday! The price keeps dropping (albeit slowly) so maybe, someday, if I'm really good...
Sam Edelman 'Zoe' Boots from Zappos ($198.98)
Ain't Gonna Happen

What Is Reality Anyway has always been one of my all-time favorite fashion blogs. Always. Krystal Simpson is seriously a freakin' inspiration to end all inspirations. In a world where chiffon & "flowy" things seem to be the norm in the fashion blogging world, Krystal takes edginess to a new level. She can rock out a pair of jeans, a blazer, boots & feathers in her hair like none other.
When she announced she would be collaborating with Coach to design a bag, I was hesitant. I HATE Coach bags. The logo is everywhere and they just bore me to tears. Then, she released this beauty. You guys, I literally almost cried when I saw it. The buttery-soft leather, the heart & feather charms, the knee-length LEATHER FRINGE?!?!?! It's just...it's me. I'm not going to lie - seeing it depresses me a little bit knowing that paying $500 for a purse just isn't something I can ever do.
But a gal can dream, right? (I pray for sales. Seriously.)
Krystal Simpson for Coach Black Fringe Shoulder Bag via Hillary Rush ($498)
We all have those pipe dreams. What are yours??