Blarg. I don't know why these should be so hard to find! I FOUND the perfect pair on Polyvore:

2) Wet Seal isn't usually a store I frequent. Nonetheless, I'll still find things in there once in a while that are cool. They just got in some new stuff that is surprisingly drool-worthy!
a) SUPER cute ankle boots!
b) Buckled booties
c) ...shuddup. I think it's hot.
d) Skirt with huge railroad zippers?? Sign me up!
3) Do you ever get tired of every.single.item in your wardrobe?? The weather here in Baltimore has been so up-and-down lately. One day (like today, for example), it'll be 62 degrees. The next day (like tomorrow, for example), it'll snow. Because of that, I find myself wanting to live in nothing but skinny jeans and boots. I'm really considering hitting up a few Goodwill, Salvation Army and other thrify shops in my area one day and refreshing my WHOLE wardrobe.
I'm so sorry for the lack of outfit-y posts lately, lovelies. I have some big events coming up (like MOTLEY FUCKIN' CRUE!!!) that I'm going to want to get all gussied up for, so expect some posts then. ;)