I thought I'd give you guys a little glimpse into what makes me me...with a little bit of fashion thrown in there, 'cause that's how I do.

1) Rock n' Roll: I know I'm like a broken record in this blog, but at the very heart of me is a dirty, 80s rocker chick. From the first time I heard Appetite for Destruction as a kid to now, that sleazy cock rock is what really gets my blood flowing. I feel younger, more alive when I hear that shit. It's what makes me want to be the bad girl who wears red lipstick, leather and ripped fishnets...and the stuff that will always make me want to learn how to do cartwheels across a line of sports cars while my hair is teased to the sky.
2) Rocky Horror Picture Show: From 1996-1999, I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight every single Saturday night at the Harwan Theater in Mt. Ephraim, NJ. Even though that was approaching 15 years ago, I still regard those years as some of the best times of my life.
My fashion took an interesting turn at that time, and some of it still sneaks into my wardrobe every now and again. I realized that instead of cursing the fact that I looked younger than I was, I should just roll with it. Therefore, I dressed like the biggest Lolita you've ever seen - schoolgirl uniforms, pigtails, lunchboxes. Hey man, judge all you want, but I looked adorable.
3) Beauty/Makeup: I don't know when my makeup obsession started, but I think it was somewhere around 2004. I was thick into Live Journal at the time, and I found a crew of ladies & gents who were so talented at the art of applying makeup that it sucked me in instantly. With them, I practiced, learned, succeeded, failed and just became generally addicted to makeup. Much of my obsession fell with MAC for the first bunch of years, but I've since spread out to other brands. To this day, I have a "makeup area" in our small one-bedroom apartment that my husband has dubbed The Makeup Command Center.
EVERYONE is shaped by experiences in their life, and I bet if you look away from the computer screen and down at what you're wearing, some of that has to do with how you grew up. Now tell me - what shaped YOUR fashion stylings?
Amen to number 1. Long love sleaze rock. When I was a kid, I can remember my 9 years older big sis had a big teased hair and she dressed in black (she was teenager in 80's. Lucky her! So I've grown with that style but really never got properly into thatI met my husband almost 8 years ago. He got me deeper and deeper into the wonderful world of rock'n roll :)
Ha...great spelling mistake. Was typing long LIVE sleaze but it turned into long LOVE...
Lovely post!
You've got a cute blog, maybe you'd like to follow each other?
You are completely right. All the things we like and even the things we see and experienced make our present person. 80s are great, but i think am more influenced by 90s and am crazy about the 60s, i think my soul is from the 60s. Besos.
Mrs Munster: YES! I had my friend's sisters that were all teased-hair and cock rock. I wanted to be them. I feel like now, as an adult, I'm more into all of it than they ever were. ;)
Emilija: Thank you! I'll take a look at your blog.
Aahna: YES completely. I still love the 90s too, and oh, the fashion of the 60s...
I adore this post, especially since its tagged "cock rock". Cute! Haha
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